Our mission is to bring theatre professionals together with academics and activists. In the years since our inception, WTP has sponsored panels and activities at ATHE’s annual conference. In 1980, WTP began holding its own annual pre-ATHE conference. WTP conferences feature panels, informal discussions, workshops, and performances as a means to foster both research and production of feminist theatre activities. WTP conference topics have included the intersection of theory and performance, multicultural theatre, lesbian theory and theatre, and many related aspects of feminist inquiry. The continuing goal of WTP is to enable feminist inquiry and to provide opportunities for discussion between those who teach, perform, and theorize about feminism, theatre, and performance.
By joining the mighty network for WTP, you will be able to get exclusive access to an online community to support you in your artistic, career, and professional goals. Some of the features of the mighty network include:
We wouldn't be able to create this community without the support of ATHE and our members. Our community is what makes us special, and we want you to have a virtual home away from home, so thank you for helping us build this space.